
Ecological Assessments

biT Ecologists can provide a wide range of Ecological Assessments to support your plans or projects from initial Preliminary Ecological Appraisals (PEA) to Ecological Impact Assessments (ECIA) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) chapters.

Preliminary Ecological Assessments

Preliminary Ecological Assessments (PEAs) are a rapid assessment of the ecological features present, or potentially present, within your site and/or the surrounding area. These assessments can be used to identify the likely impacts of a development project.

PEAs usually comprise of a combination of desk study and a walkover surveys and are a useful step during the pre-application stage as their production can assist potential developers and planning authorities to either:

  • Scope the breadth of surveys required to support a future planning application, or
  • To conclude that the ecological issues and risks associated with the development proposals are so low that no further survey work is required.

PEA’s can also be useful when undertaking due diligence during land sale/purchase or when updating existing information to ensure no material changes have taken place.

PEAs can be conducted at any time of year – but surveys conducted between April and September are often the most effective.

Ecological Impact Assessments EcIA

  biT ecologists are able to assess of the likely significant ecological effects of a project and present these findings in an Ecological Impact Assessment Report following CIEEM’s Guidelines for Ecological Impact Assessment. EcIA’s can also form the ecological component of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).

For more information on our full range of services  please contact our team at ecology@bit-group.co.uk or call us on 01952 380 039.