Permission in Principle (PiP)
Important new planning legislation has come into place from 01 June 2018. Read here about Permission in Principle and Technical Details Consent
New legislation came into place on the 1st June 2018 which has introduced Permission in Principle (PiP) and Technical Details Consent (TDC) and it’s an alternative way to apply for planning permission.
The main purpose is for housing, however, non-residential development may also be given permission in principle providing housing occupies the majority of the floor space of the overall scheme. Non-housing development should be compatible with the proposed residential development and may include, for example, a small proportion of retail, office space or community uses.
The Permission in Principle Consent Route has a pair of stages: the First Stage (or Permission in Principle Stage) establishes whether a site is suitable in-principle and the Second Stage (Technical Details Consent Stage) is where the detailed development proposals are assessed.
Part 1 - The Permission in Principle Consent Route
The Permission in Principle Consent Route is an alternative way of obtaining planning permission for housing-led development which separates the consideration of matters of principle for proposed development from the technical detail of the development.
Part 2 - The Technical Details Consent Stage
Following a grant of permission in principle, the site must receive a grant of technical details consent before development can proceed. The granting of technical details consent has the effect of granting planning permission for the development. Other statutory requirements may apply at this stage such as those relating to protected species or listed buildings. An application for technical details consent must be in accordance with the permission in principle that is specified by the applicant.
Important things to know when considering PiP
PiP can be applied for in 3 different ways:
- Land entered in Part 2 of the Brownfield Land Register (this grants PiP);
- An application to the Local Planning Authority (LPA);
- By Local Plan/Neighbourhood Plans.
An application to the LPA for PiP does not apply when it is:
- Major Development;
- Habitats Development;
- Householder;
- EIA Schedule 1;
- EIA Schedule 2 and is EIA Development.
If you would like to discuss this further, please contact us on 01952 380 039 or via contact@bit-group.co.uk