Planning Statements
Are you looking to apply for planning permission for any development? You may need to submit a plan...

Do you live or work within a Conservation Area? Lo...
Shropshire is a wealth of beautiful Conservation Areas and a World Heritage Site (WHS), biT, based i...

Conservation Area Appraisals and Management Plans
If you need to create or update a Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan, biT can help.

Repointing Your Building or Wall
Are you considering repointing your stone or brick building or wall? Repointing brickwork for any bu...

Replacing Your Windows & Doors
Do you live or work within a Conservation Area or own a listed building and are considering replacin...

Rainwater Goods, Looking after your gutters.
If you are an owner of an historic building, it is imperative that regular maintenance is undertaken...

Heritage Statements and Statements of Significance...
Are you intending on submitting a planning application which involves your heritage asset? If so, ou...

Ecological Assessments
biT Ecologists can provide a wide range of Ecological Assessments to support your plans or projects ...

Priority & Protected Species Surveys and Mitigatio...
biT ecologists have a wealth of priority and protected species survey experience including bat surve...

Ecology Surveys, Its now is the perfect time to be...
Are you looking to submit a planning application next year? If so now is the perfect time to be thin...

Habitat and Vegetation Surveys
We can provide high level habitat mapping using standard Phase 1 or UKHab habitat mapping methodolog...

The Quest to find signs of Dormice in Telford
Help our Ecology team to find signs of Dormice in Telford. All you need to do is look for opened Haz...

Reptile News
Reptile surveys are an important part of a planning application and help to protect our wildlife. Re...

Great Crested Newt Surveying
biT's Ecologists carry out Great Crested Newt surveys, ensuring that our wildlife is protected and o...